Yoruba Nation Now 1st October 2021 Rally

Yoruba Nation Now 1st October 2021 Rally

Dear All,

We humbly request your noble presence, to come and support our rally at Peckham Rye on 01 October 2021.

Despite 61 years of Nigeria Independence, it's globally recognised that the Country is presently suffering instability.
Citizens are daily experiencing enslaved/caged living.
Poverty becomes national norm, and Corruption an order of each day.

Unending listing of ongoing Institutional and Governmental Criminal Activities are disheartening.

- Failed National Security and Unhealthy Military/Political Governance that are authentically characterised by frequent harassment of Citizens.
- No Freedom of Speech.
- Unfair Judicial System.
- Partial and Unequal sharing of National Opportunities.
- Islamization Agenda that's often demonstrated by democratically elected Governors, Ministers, Senators etc.
- Boko-Haram and Bandits are been sponsored by the National Incomes; leading to raping, governmental supported lands grabbing, non-stop Genocide and Massacre.
- The Nation's defence headquarters such as The Army, The Police, The Navy, The Airforce, The DSS, and the rest of them know the Nation's TERRORISTS and PERPETRATORS but instead, the terrorised Citizens are often victimised.
Nigeria Government is now National and International Abductor of Indigenous Citizens.
Examples are that of Nnamdi Kanu at Kenya and Sunday Adeyemo at Benin Republic.
It's a clear indication that no Nigerian is safe in any Country of the World.

The Demoralisation, Abominable Acts and Psychological Abuses on Citizens could never be over emphasised.
Citizens of Southern Nigeria are experiencing Impunity and Monstrosity from the quarters that are supposed to be protecting them.
Additionally, the Nigerians living in Diaspora are extremely scared to visit our country of birth due to derailed and unsafe security systems.

01 October 2021 is another day to raise our voices in agitations for Peace and Good living for our brethren; please accept our invitation.
We thank you in anticipation.

Kind regards,

Tajudeen Adigun Raheem
for YWC/YNN Movement's Management.

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